PORTLAND, Oregon, 97232-3419 United States

Mission Statement

Admire Teachers' mission is to enrich educational opportunities for K-5 Title 1 students in Portland, OR by giving them access to resources deemed important by their teachers.

About This Cause

Admire Teachers was created with the understanding that there is a direct correlation between the quality of a student’s education and the resources that are available to them and their teachers. When students have access to materials, supplies and experiences deemed important by their teachers, there is more opportunity to engage and learn in school. When educators have the teaching tools they need, they can do their jobs more effectively. The current public school funding model leaves many teachers and students without access to a variety of beneficial resources. Admire Teachers’ goal is to fill in some of these gaps by helping Title 1 K-5 teachers in Portland acquire these resources. Admire Teachers provides financial support for projects, supplies and experiences that are proposed by teachers, approved by principals and beyond teachers’ budgets. Twice each school year, Admire Teachers invites Title 1 K-5 educators to request support for specific materials or experiences. For a request to qualify it must enhance or enrich educational opportunities for students. By fulfilling these requests, Admire Teachers gives students and teachers access to learning opportunities they would not otherwise have. Admire Teachers works exclusively with Title 1 schools. Title 1 schools are so designated based on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. These schools are less likely to have access to funds outside of school budgets and fundraising can be more of a burden on parents in lower income neighborhoods. By working with Title 1 schools, Admire Teachers ensures that it is providing support to economically disadvantaged students. Among the many things Admire Teachers has supported thus far are student study guides, math and English curriculum, field trip expenses, flexible seating, art supplies, musical instruments, theater tickets, grade level books, counseling related games and items specific to students with special needs. These items would likely not have been acquired without assistance from Admire Teachers. Every child deserves a good public school education and all children have the capacity and desire to learn. However, a child from a non-white, low income family is born into a system that was not designed for their benefit. There are countless studies and statistics that lay out how the public school system fails low income and non-white students. Admire Teachers chooses to work in these communities because these kids and their teachers deserve to have the resources they need. Studies indicate that a high quality elementary school experience generates long term gains including higher college attendance rates and higher earnings. The best way to understand why Admire Teachers’ work is important is to hear from the educators themselves. One teacher had this to say, “Thank you Admire Teachers for this opportunity! My students got to access materials and learning that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise, and they absolutely loved this project! Thank you!" Another said this, “Suminagashi was their favorite project of the year! It was such a joy to see the amazement on their faces when they pulled their prints! Students of all ages absolutely loved this project and it created so much extra joy and magic for us at the end of this wild school year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

3541 Ne Couch St
PORTLAND, Oregon 97232-3419
United States
Phone 503/754-7182
Unique Identifier 863542586