Detroit, Michigan, 48224 United States

Mission Statement

Our Detroit based organization will be creating self-managed communities of cost-effective tiny homesfor peoplein need of housing. It’s our belief that housing is a basic human need which everyone deserves. New Path Villagesseeks to bridge the often insurmountable gap between the street and conventional housing with a variety of inclusive, cost-effective housing options.

About This Cause

We are first and foremost a compassionate care program. We don’t pass judgement, don’t proselytize, just offer aid where it is needed most. Directly in a Detroit residential neighborhood with lower income numbers and high homeless numbers. We have 14 years of hands on, on the street, service to this population. We are now in a position to make a greater change through this Village program. We have the resources and desire to make this change. We are a partner with the City of Detroit in their, “Community Partners Program”. How would Detroit look if : There were fewer people sleeping on the street and in abandoned houses Communities, supported by their residents, had small villages built where there is now blight and neglect on a vacant landscape City of Detroit government sponsored and supported this effort city wide Neighborhoods experienced some of the revitalization seen commercially in the city WE ARE: An established, capable and caring organization of staff and volunteers Designed to work together with the local community and neighborhood Based on several existing, successful models nationwide Native to Detroit, and bringing a democratic approach to micro-housing for people in need in our city by working in conjunction with established City programs WE WILL: Start with one tiny home village on the eastside of Detroit Enlist help from and hire local neighbors and village residents Stabilize the neighborhoods we build in Address the root causes of homelessness without judgement

4350 Yorkshire Rd 4350 Yorkshire Rd
Detroit, Michigan 48224
United States
Phone 5866237654
Unique Identifier 863800105