Mississippi Park Connection

SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, 55101-2264 United States

Mission Statement

Mississippi Park Connection is the nonprofit partner of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, a national park in Minnesota. We value the very things that have designated our national park—clean water, cultural landmarks, critical habitat, and our shared natural and cultural heritage. We strive to provide opportunities for people to get to and on the river—and have a national park experience in the heart of the Twin Cities. CURRENT PROJECTS Youth Education Community Engagement Environmental Stewardship BIPOC affinity group We have enabled the park to lead stewardship and education activities throughout the corridor, from wildlife monitoring to shoreline restoration to formal education. There are many effective organizations in the community that are dedicated to specific facets of the Mississippi River.

About This Cause

Since its inception in 2003, the Connection has made more than $5.5 million in direct grants to the National Park Service and its many partners in the community, improving the health of the Mississippi River. Together, we have... Restored more than 300 acres of river habitat at our most beloved sites like Mne Owe Sni/Coldwater Spring, Crosby Farm Regional Park, Spring Lake Park and more Planted 16,000 trees and 8,000 native plants Engaged 5,900 volunteers and 16,000 volunteer hours per year “Sworn in” more than 1,500 Junior Rangers to our national park Enabled 100,000 school children to go on Big River Journey and UWCA programs—many on full scholarship Provided thousands of public programs with National Park Service Rangers!

Mississippi Park Connection
111 Kellogg Blvd E Ste 105
SAINT PAUL, Minnesota 55101-2264
United States
Phone 651-291-8164
Unique Identifier 870786530