SEATTLE, Washington, 98144 United States

Mission Statement

Neighborhood House builds community and increases access to housing, health, education, and economic opportunity.

About This Cause

The National Council of Jewish Women founded Neighborhood House (NH) in Seattle in 1906. For 115 years, we have fought to end the cycles of poverty, racism, and social inequities. We provide free services that are culturally and linguistically relevant to immigrants, refugees, BIPOC, and low-income community members in King County. We are one of the oldest social service organizations in the Puget Sound region, and we continue to grow and expand when new needs emerge in our communities. As a multi-service agency that prioritizes serving diverse communities, we excel at meeting the needs of whole families, being responsive to new challenges, and being a consistent source of support and resources. NH will continue serving clients with culturally and linguistically appropriate services throughout the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. We will continue to provide resources and support for clients, as well as advocate for systematic changes that create more equitable opportunities for our communities. As we move into the reopening and recovery phase, our top priority is equitable recovery from the pandemic. We are not interested in “returning to normal”. The pre-pandemic status quo did not work for our communities, so our goal is to create a new post-pandemic reality that moves us closer to our vision of a healthy, diverse and welcoming community, free of poverty and racism, where all people thrive. COVID-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities in our economic, education, and health systems. Because the pandemic is hitting communities with the least financial resources the hardest, NH has responded by ramping up services that keep our communities healthy, housed, and financially stable. Our team of multilingual and multicultural staff adapted services to ensure NH’s diverse clients are supported throughout this crisis, as well as set the stage for more equitable recovery post-pandemic. We realized early in the pandemic that NH clients were high risk for immediate and long-term health and economic setbacks. In 2020, we adapted quickly to previously unimaginable circumstances to address urgent health and economic needs precipitated by the pandemic. 15 months on, COVID has become a prolonged emergency where securing basic life necessities—such as access to food, shelter, employment, and K12 education—remains a monumental challenge for NH families. When COVID arrived, we had the institutional capacity to reimagine and adapt all our services to meet our clients’ needs safely. Here are some examples: • NH delivered tablets and secured internet service for 800 children so they could continue to participate in virtual early learning programs. • NH disbursed $3 million in rental assistance to 1,000+ households and connected 700+ households to new forms of food assistance. • NH hosted multiple pop-up clinics that have vaccinated 2,000+ BIPOC and immigrant/refugee community members. We anticipate future pivots and program adaptations in this next phase of the pandemic. Your support of sharing our story, volunteering, donating, advocating, and voting today is greatly appreciated to achieve our vision of a healthy, diverse and welcoming community, free of poverty and racism, where all people thrive.

1225 South Weller St. #510
SEATTLE, Washington 98144
United States
Phone 206-461-8430
Unique Identifier 910568305