SEATTLE, Washington, 98105-4201 United States

Mission Statement

An open and affirming church where you are welcome... whether you are a believer, a seeker or a doubter. As an open and affirming congregation, we celebrate our diversity in religious background, sexual orientation, race, and abilities.

About This Cause

Our Purpose We are a congregation committed to deepening faith and building relationships; we seek to become disciples of Jesus so that we can say "Yes" to God with our lives. Our Vision We are a Christian community that lives out the will of God, makes real God's love in the world, acts with compassion and promotes justice by centering our lives in Jesus, and offering ourselves to God in everything we do. Together we. . . Worship and praise God. Celebrate God's love and grace in our daily lives. Nurture and challenge our minds and spirits. Come together to learn, grow, play, eat, and enjoy being with one another. Welcome everyone, regardless of outlook, race, ethnicity, ability, gender or sexual orientation. Challenge the ways of the world that do not support the realm of God. Offer ourselves to God through service, following the example of Jesus. Our Covenant Passed by the Congregation in 1999, our covenant represents our promise to each other to live out the will of God in our daily lives. It has become a treasured part of our weekly worship service. God of Providence and Grace, in a spirit of memory, thanksgiving, and hope: We covenant with You and with one another: To seek and respond to Your word and will, made known and to be made known; To worship You in unity and diversity, welcoming everyone; To care for and pray for each other in trials of the spirit and in times of joy; To encourage each other in the growth of our minds and spirits; To promote Your reign of justice and peace, meeting hate with reconciling love; and To reject the false gods of society, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus. May God help us and be with us. Amen

4515 16Th Ave Ne
SEATTLE, Washington 98105-4201
United States
Phone 206-524-2322
Unique Identifier 910573111