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Mission Statement
Our mission is to prolong the ability of elderly in Spokane County to remain living independently in their own homes by providing nutritious meals, daily health checks and companionship.
About This Cause
Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels fights senior hunger and social isolation. These two threats from aging jeopardize the health and well-being of all older adults especially those with limited means. They also place a strain on our region’s healthcare system and economy. Added to this already complex problem is the fact that Spokane County is aging at a rapid pace. Right now, two in five people here in our area are over sixty. In twenty years, it will be three in five. Every day, there are seniors in Spokane County going hungry. Some because they cannot afford nutritious food; others because they are no longer able to shop or cook for themselves. For others, loneliness and isolation put them at risk of falls, depression and general poor health. GSC Meals on Wheels is a proven public-private partnership that addresses the challenges of aging by promoting health and an improved quality of life for our area’s most vulnerable seniors. In our Home Delivered Meal Program, GSC Meals on Wheels volunteers drive hundreds of miles each day to deliver hot, nutritious meals. But they bring so much more than “just” a meal. Fifty-eight percent of homebound seniors in Spokane county report that our Meals on Wheels volunteer is the only person that they see on a given day. That volunteer brings a friendly smile, a word of encouragement, and the peace of mind knowing that there will be someone there to check on the well being of each person we serve. At our 12 Silver Cafes or congregate sites, we provide seniors with social interaction along with a warm meal in a restaurant-style setting. That social interaction is a vital component in keeping seniors active, healthy and connected to their community. In addition, GSC Meals on Wheels is a “gateway” organization to dozens of other agencies. The daily visits by our volunteers provide unique opportunities to address a decline in health, safety hazards, and provide resources to participants that they may not otherwise have access to. Keeping up with the ever-changing field of senior nutrition and nonprofit management is no easy task. From menu planning and volunteer management to healthcare integration and HIPAA compliance, GSC Meals on Wheels provides our participants with both daily nutrition and eyes-on health checks that allows them to live an independent life in the home they love.