Seattle, Washington, 98101 United States

Mission Statement

Climate Solutions' mission is to accelerate practical and profitable solutions to global warming by galvanizing leadership, growing investment, and bridging divides.

About This Cause

For over 15 years, Climate Solutions has pioneered the vision and built political leadership for the proposition that clean energy and broadly-shared economic prosperity can go hand-in-hand. We’ve built coalitions across cities and farms, business and labor, environmentalists and social justice advocates, for innovative solutions to the challenge of climate change. From helping to launch the highly successful US Mayors Climate Agreement, which now includes more than 1,000 cities; to pioneering cutting-edge program models like New Energy Cities and Sustainable Fuels; to leading the successful campaigns to pass a series of clean energy, transportation, green jobs and energy efficiency bills in our region, Climate Solutions has been at the forefront of establishing the Northwest as a national leader on climate change.

1402 Third Ave, Suite 1305
Seattle, Washington 98101
United States
Phone 206-443-9570 x 40
Unique Identifier 911123302