Seattle, Washington, 98109 United States

Mission Statement

The Doney Coe Pet Clinic is a 501c3 organization offering veterinary and wellness care to those that are low income or are experiencing homelessness in the Puget Sound area.

About This Cause

Doney Coe Pet Clinic is a 501c3 organization in Seattle, WA, offering comprehensive veterinary care to the pets of families experiencing homelessness or low income since 1986. In May 2022, Doney Coe Pet Clinic began operating at its first physical location. Doney Coe Pet Clinic went from operating two to ten clinics a month. In addition to offering the comprehensive wellness care that Doney Coe Pet Clinic is known for, the clinic now provides sophisticated diagnostic testing, including imaging and on-site blood analysis. Surgeries are performed on-site in the equipped surgical area. This means more pets are receiving the life-changing and life-saving surgical interventions needed. Doney Coe is the only organization offering these services to families that cannot afford veterinary care.

2212 Queen Anne Ave N #702
Seattle, Washington 98109
United States
Phone 206-714-1104
Unique Identifier 911432244