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Mission Statement
Habitat for Humanity of Snohomish County works to eliminate substandard housing and break the cycle of poverty through a unique and well-tested process of partnering with families in need to build, acquire, and refurbish homes. Through mentorship, training and volunteer 'sweat equity', our partner families are empowered to purchase these homes through the provision of no interest mortgages.
About This Cause
The main purpose and the primary program of Habitat for Humanity of Snohomish County is to build or rehabilitate simple, decent and affordable homes for low-income families in our area. Whenever possible, we build sustainable, energy-efficient and healthy housing. Our local affiliate was formed in 1991 as the 699th autonomous U.S. affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, International. To date we have built 18 homes and renovated three more in Snohomish County. The home ownership program includes partner family selection, site selection, purchase and all aspects of managing a home build or rehabilitation, management of the partner family no-interest loans, and follow-up with all partner families over the entire time that they live in their Habitat homes.