SEATTLE, Washington, 98102 United States

Mission Statement

To further interest and knowledge of handweaving in our membership and the public.

About This Cause

The Seattle Weavers' Guild is an enthusiastic and active group of weavers. We get together to share our love of weaving, inspire each other, and learn new techniques. We have members at every level, from complete beginners to world-renowned professionals. In addition to monthly programs (September to May), the guild hosts many workshops throughout the year, as well as ongoing study groups. By way of our many outreach activities, the Seattle Weavers' Guild fulfills its mission to promote interest in handweaving in the community through education, instruction, research and service. Guild members participate in gallery shows and hold public demonstrations of weaving and spinning. Each October, the guild hosts a sale of members' works, transforming our meeting hall into a showplace of textile delights. Whether you're looking for household goods like tea towels and rugs, cozy blankets, unique pet gear, gossamer scarves, or one-of-a-kind art garments, there's something here for you. Proceeds from the sale enable us to bring talented weavers from all over the country to Seattle to educate our members and the public. he Seattle Weavers' Guild is affiliated with The Association of Northwest Weavers' Guilds and The Handweavers Guild of America. Seattle Weavers' Guild members have served in leadership positions in both of these organizations.

1245 10Th Ave E
SEATTLE, Washington 98102
United States
Phone 206-849-1387
Unique Identifier 916037678