PORTLAND, Oregon, 97294-0146 United States

Mission Statement

The Wheel to Walk Foundation is an organization that helps children with disabilities obtain medical & adaptive equipment or therapy services that are not covered by insurance. Examples of items we provide are: -adaptive strollers -adaptive car seats -bathing chairs -communication devices -cranial helmets -gait trainers/walkers -orthotics -patient lifts -pumper cars -therapy tricycles -therapies: speech/vision/physical -wheelchairs -wheelchair modifications -zip zac chairs Our organization strongly believes that no child with a disability go without essential equipment that could improve the quality and opportunities of their life.

About This Cause

Wheel to Walk is a direct service organization and we have been helping families on an individual basis for over 20 years. When a child with a disability is denied funding for an essential piece of equipment or service by insurance, Wheel to Walk steps in to purchase the requested item. When families are unable to obtain necessary items through insurance, the trajectory of their child’s quality of life and inclusion with peers is greatly affected. Medical equipment and therapy services can place a huge financial burden on families when having to pay out of pocket. Wheel to Walk will purchase the above-mentioned items. Numerous times, we have heard stories of a child with Cerebral Palsy being declined for a therapy tricycle because insurance feels that it is a 'luxury' item. Therapy tricycles are great to help develop muscle mass, provide exercise and cost between $1500-2000 and with no insurance, can be very costly for a parent with a disabled child. We continuously hear from the parents that their child can 'now ride with other children in the neighborhood'. Our Selection Process: Children, 20 years and younger, with a documented disability are eligible for support from the Wheel to Walk Foundation. Our Application for Assistance is a simple process for families. Our board reviews each completed application and, when accepted, we purchase the equipment or service directly from the supplier – we will not distribute funds directly to the parents or child. Examples: Adaptive Strollers, which cost between $600-2,500, are larger and more stable than your typical baby strollers. These adaptive strollers are necessary for families so their child can go out into the community. Essential for severely autistic children who may be a ‘runner’ and the mother needs to keep them secure or children with cerebral palsy who may be able to walk, but tire easily and do not need a traditional wheelchair. Shower chairs are considered ‘nonessential’ and are not covered by insurance. However, when a child is reaching their teens, immobile and unable to help transport themselves, having a shower chair is a safety issue. We have purchased numerous bathing devices which allow the parents to bathe their child more often and in a safe environment. The costs can be between $600-1,200. Gait Trainers & Standers: Are important to help a child stand and develop hip & leg strength and independence. This device can cost between $900 - $2,000. Very rarely are they covered by insurance because they are so specific to the child and their disability. Therapy Tricycles: Not only do therapy tricycles allow these kiddos to ‘be just like the other kids’, but therapy trikes help with strength, coordination and social ability. Cost range from $900-2,500 . Communication Devices: Can you imagine having a child and not being able to communicate with them? Communication devices lend a ‘voice’ to the voiceless. They also help develop skills to teach a child to increase their vocabulary and speak on their own. The costs can be between $300-1,500. However, it is the responses from parents and therapists is what really keeps us going. Hearing how a child was able to walk into her first day of kindergarten because we purchased a gait trainer for her when she was three; or an 18 year old being able to experience riding a tricycle for the first time; or a mother expressing gratitude because she can bathe her child more frequent due to the aid of a shower chair - these stories inspire us to continue on. Wheel to Walk is a small children's charity making a big difference in the lives of families raising children with special needs. At this time, we help families living in the Pacific Northwest and extend into California.

Po Box 20146
PORTLAND, Oregon 97294-0146
United States
Phone 503-803-4906
Unique Identifier 930725300