PORTLAND, Oregon, 97232-4801 United States

Mission Statement

The Mental Health Association of Oregon dba Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) is an inclusive, peer-run, community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Portland, Oregon. Our mission is to promote self-directed recovery and wellness for all, honoring the voice of lived experience.

About This Cause

MHAAO is Oregon’s leader in peer recovery services. Everyday, over 150 peer support specialists provide mentorship, advocacy, career coaching, reentry services, referrals, resources, harm reduction, and more throughout the community. Peer support is a non-clinical, evidence-based, highly-effective recovery service and critical component of behavioral healthcare in Oregon. Peers know how to meet people exactly where they are, building trust and rapport to more effectively connect them to services. In 2023, we had more than 50,000 engagements with more than 11,000 individuals across our programs. There is magic in the sharing of lived experiences, in receiving care from someone who has been there. As a peer-run agency, we are the communities we serve; we have been down their roads, and use our lived experiences to walk alongside our peers in a nonclinical but therapeutic way. We help individuals set and meet their recovery goals, such as getting into treatment, securing housing, or finding employment, and feel empowered to direct their own path forward to recovery, health, and healing. The path to recovery is not walked alone. Together, we grow, transform, and thrive. Learn more!

411 Ne 19Th Ave
PORTLAND, Oregon 97232-4801
United States
Phone 503-922-2377
Unique Identifier 931012686