Portland, Oregon, 97213 United States

Mission Statement

Oya No Kai’s mission is to enhance the level of cultural education in the Japanese Immersion Program at Portland Public Schools. We support student success by fostering a robust intern program that supports our teachers, by creating opportunities for students to experience Japanese culture directly through cultural exchanges, and by organizing community events. It is our hope that when our students graduate, they will be better prepared and more knowledgeable of the world around them.

About This Cause

To achieve our goals, Oya No Kai: -Fundraises for the Intern Program and Cultural Exchanges. -Financially supports the Intern Program which provides teaching assistants in all Japanese classrooms. -Provides planning and financial support for the 5th grade Cultural Exchange, 8th Grade Research Residency, and High School Summer Institute. -Creates community awareness of the Japanese Immersion Program. -Promotes home-stay experiences within our schools’ community. -Sponsors and coordinates Kurabu, a summer Japanese language and culture day camp. -Sponsors and coordinates Camp Westwind for Japanese Immersion families. -Coordinates visits to our schools from our Japanese sister city schools. -Participates in community events such as Richmond’s Spring Festival, and Uwajimaya Summer Festival.

P.o. Box 13786
Portland, Oregon 97213
United States
Unique Identifier 931124364