SAN FRANCISCO, California, 94115-2292 United States

Mission Statement

The Junior League of San Francisco, Inc. (JLSF) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable

About This Cause

Outreach Statement The Junior League of San Francisco, Inc. reaches out to all women regardless of age, race, religion, color, national origin, handicapped status, or sexual orientation, who possess an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. Vision Since its inception in 1911, the JLSF has provided the community with an estimated six million volunteer hours and more than $24 million through direct community grants, advocacy, and membership training and development. As a problem surfaces within the community, the JLSF is frequently the first organization to recognize and address the issue, providing volunteer energy, financial assistance, and public support. Often in collaboration with other community groups and/or the public sector, the JLSF designs and launches a program, then works to achieve community impact and measurable results. Focus For the period 2013-2017, the JLSF focus area is Empowering our Community Through Life Skills Education. This focus has the capacity to improve the opportunities for underserved populations, while meeting the needs of the League’s membership. Where life skills education is well developed and practiced, it enhances the well-being of a society and promotes positive outlook and healthy behavior. This emphasis is reflected in our current community programs.

2226A Fillmore St
SAN FRANCISCO, California 94115-2292
United States
Phone 4157754100
Website www.jlsf.org
Unique Identifier 941156336