DBSA San Francisco

San Francisco, California, 94109 United States

Mission Statement

Providing hope, help, support, and education to people living with a mood disorder and their loved ones. We've been there, we can help.

About This Cause

For the past 30+ years, DBSA San Francisco has been offering almost every day *free of charge* community events, education, and peer-led support groups for people living with a mood disorder. No one should have to battle mental illness alone. DBSA San Francisco also offers mental health support groups specifically designed to create a safe space for: - all BIPOC People of Color, - the LGBTQ+ community, - Friends & Family members supporting a loved one, - General Support Groups for everyone facing a mood disorder. Together we can make sure no one stands alone. DBSA San Francisco is entirely volunteer-run, and this community saves lives. Your support is greatly appreciated!

DBSA San Francisco
C/O St Francis Hospital 900 Hyde St.
San Francisco, California 94109
United States
Website dbsasf.org
Unique Identifier 943087829