World Trust Educational Services Inc

Oakland, California, 94605 United States

Mission Statement

Advancing racial equity and justice is the ultimate purpose of World Trust's transformative education work. Our collaborative projects use film, dialogue and the arts to advance whole body learning and radical imagination. Each community and organization we work with provides unique opportunities for innovation and strategy in pursuing racial equity globally – which leads to improved outcomes for health, education, economics and critical transformations. Since our inception in 2005, World Trust has focused strategically in the education, health, technology, media and culture sectors. World Trust creates workshops, films, presentations and learning labs for change makers, educators, foundations, health and human service agencies, colleges and universities and government entities. We use film, dialogue and the arts to advance whole body learning and radical imagination. World Trust films have been viewed by millions of people. In 2016 one film clip alone went viral and was seen by 30 million people.

About This Cause

Through film and dialogue, World Trust Educational Services ignites courage and expands capacity to create a world free from racism. We envision a world coming into wholeness where transformative love and wisdom heal the human family from racism and separation. Over our more than 20 years of operation, we have opened millions of hearts and minds. By offering the comprehensive capabilities and deep knowledge necessary to help you solve the most complex issues of your organization, our work helps heal and transform people, communities and institutions. Advancing racial justice, belonging and healing through the use of film, dialogue and the arts is the mission of World Trust. Since 1998, we have worked to amplify social justice and racial equity with a strategic focus in Education, Health, Media and Culture and the Technology sectors. We have created workshops, films, presentations and Learning Labs for changemakers focused on equitable and transformative organizational cultures and structures. Our collaborative projects use film, dialogue and the arts to advance whole body learning and radical imagination. World Trust Educational Services, Inc. is a non-profit organization, based in Oakland, focused on building social and racial equity. World Trust produces films (five documentaries to date), curricula, workshops and trainings (learning labs). Our work is designed to tap into the deep human connection we all share: to educate minds, open hearts, and support radical imagination, all with the intention of catalyzing critical thinking, self-inquiry, transformative learning, healing and ultimately, change. We come to racial equity work from a place of love-in-action paired with accountability. We know that the system of inequity is deeply embedded in the history of this country and that none of us has escaped its clutches. We don’t point fingers and we don’t assign blame. We ask everyone to take risks and we expect that everyone will make mistakes. We ask everyone to bring their best selves to the work, and we provide support for participants to do that. We call people in, not out. During Spring and Summer 2020, all across the United States and around the world, we have entered a period of growing civil unrest and resistance in the streets to the structural racism perpetrated against Black and Brown people. Simultaneously, the novel coronavirus pandemic is disproportionately affecting Black and Brown people. Healing and the growing of compassion and commitment to one another has never been more needed. To this historical moment World Trust brings a focus on healing, family healing, youth navigating poverty and equity in the schools, restorative and criminal justice, mental health reform, and community belonging, We uniquely blend film, racial equity practitioner presentations, dance and community dialogue in a new format called “Virtual Gatherings.” Virtual Gatherings are online events in which we seek to imagine a new time in which our young people feel hopeful about their futures. Through a process of inquiry, deep listening, presentations by cultural practitioners and racial equity leaders who are making structural change today, and arts organizations focused on youth, healing and change, we will create online Virtual Gatherings that present the work of youth-serving arts organizations and gifted teachers and healers. Virtual Gatherings are opportunities for participants to view the work and experience the presentations of young artists and discuss clips from World Trust films “Healing Justice, “Cracking the Codes” and “Mirrors of Privilege.” These films were constructed to talk about racialization, restorative justice and interrupting the youth-to- prison pipeline. Participants will develop a growing framework to understand racial justice and the role of prisons in our society today. Our Virtual Gatherings will pose the question: Can we envision, together, what it would be like if the world was working? What if people were living into a global future that embodied social decency, equity, community involvement, empowerment and felt good about being alive? By focusing on building socially just, and resilient economies from the ground up rather than a continued submission to extra-activist business models? We will use this time to ask ourselves, our partner practitioners, and the community -- What would that world look, feel and be like if we actually transitioned into a healthier way of living? Can we imagine that? Can we heal ourselves and grow well-being in our communities? Can we create and experience a liberated future of racial and social justice, inclusiveness and imagination -- with full freedom of self and others in mind? We will create space for all of us to explore together. Through the power of visionary artists, activists, seekers, and groundbreaking cultural practitioners we will meld film, dance, spoken and visual presentations into nuanced thought conversations. By building community, relationships, and exploring global transformation that is taking place in so many communities, we will take advantage of this moment in time to advance a future infused with connection, wisdom and well-being. World Trust is filming our Virtual Gatherings gaining valuable resources to share broadly. We will reach out to and invite our network of over 12,000 people in Greater Oakland. Our guest arts organizations and Cultural Practitioners will also invite members of their communities and networks. Our award-winning films, curriculum and workshops have inspired millions. We invite you to explore them for yourself at Our Mission is Racial Equity. Our Movement is Building. Join Us.

World Trust Educational Services Inc
8115 Mccormick Ave 3Rd Floor
Oakland, California 94605
United States
Phone 5107724315
Twitter @WorldTrust
Unique Identifier 943362739