Spark Church

Palo Alto, California, 94302 United States

Mission Statement

A values-based community, inspiring people to live The Way of Jesus.

About This Cause

Unlike other Christian churches, our congregation does not have a "statement of belief," but is rather identified by core behavior values: love, reputation, reconciliation, rescue, and resurrection (as articulated at our website). We are also egalitarian with both female and male leadership. We are deeply committed to what we call "gospel justice," alleviating the suffering that comes from poverty, human trafficking, racial injustice, sexual discrimination, international conflicts, etc. We are inter-generational with a value for the very old and the very young. We are also involved in inter-faith/multi-faith dialogue and education, and participate in events and activities that help bridge the divides between different faiths and spiritualities. We value study, conversation, and inquiry as a means to greater understanding of our world, and are deeply conversant with science and technology, including, but not limited to, psychology, sociology, history, linguistics, leadership, and a host of other academic disciplines. Our community is socially, politically, and religiously diverse, made up of people who would identify as Christian, atheist, LGBTQ+, liberal, conservative, and progressive, and a bunch of other stuff too! All of this while being deeply committed to The Way of Jesus, our way of saying, the "life that Jesus lived," and how we can exemplify those values and ethics in our world.

Spark Church
P.o. Box 1481
Palo Alto, California 94302
United States
Phone 6504552326
Unique Identifier B_5FF2XBG43R