Shadyside Presbyterian Church Nursery School

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15232 United States

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Nursery School is: • To provide a stimulating environment in which children can achieve their potential for social, intellectual, creative, emotional, moral, and physical growth and development • To provide individual attention based upon each child’s interests, capacities, and needs • To provide a place where children can learn to get along with a group of children their own age • To provide a pattern for Christian living and for exploring God’s wonders

About This Cause

The Nursery School focuses its philosophy on the basis that children learn best within the context of play. It provides a child-centered environment where children’s individual needs are addressed and nurtured, where children’s freedom of individual expression and creativity are encouraged, where children are provided with the opportunity to develop responsibility and self-reliance skills, and where children are taught to problem solve through negotiation and respect. The Nursery School bases its teaching on a negotiated, interactive, fluid and dynamic curriculum which allows for the children’s exploration of the world in which they live. Children are treated with dignity and respect and are taught to treat others in the same manner. Children’s spirituality is nurtured through the explorations of God’s wonders and through values which teach respect, open communication and peaceful conflict resolution.

Shadyside Presbyterian Church Nursery School
5121 Westminster Place
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232
United States
Phone 4126816311
Unique Identifier XB250987243