Soul Bilíngue

Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, 08730010 Brazil

Mission Statement

Soul Bilingue is a Non-Governmental Organization in Brazil that motivates, guides and prepares the youth from low income communities and public schools to have an international exchange. Our target is 18 to 26 year-old people who have never been abroad before.

About This Cause

We know how international experience can add to anyone's lives, and we want to facilitate this opportunity for low-income ones in Brazil. We help them to create better perspectives about life, to increase their knowledge of English and to realize they are as big as the world! Our former students become new students’ monitors and help them by sharing their knowledge, experience, and abilities they learned during their own exchanges. The students are invited to give a lecture with the Soul team to speak about their international experience while living abroad. This could be an excellent motivation for the new students to pursue the same path. We believe it will help to keep students away from drugs, crime, and violence, things very common in low incomes communities in Brazil. We also invite them to become new students’ mentors. By doing that, they can help them with homework or conversation practice. This is another way for former students to keep practicing English. Your investment will help to change the mindset of many students who came from public schools and low-income communities in Brazil. Many of them do not believe that they can learn another language, live in a different culture, and study in another country one day. You are investing in education, you are changing people destiny and helping to spread knowledge in places that have been overlooked by the Brazilian government.

Soul Bilíngue
Avenida Bento Do Sacramento, 348, Vila Lavínia,
Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo 08730010
Phone +55 11 978020411
Unique Identifier 5724121418218_7450