Veterans Association Food Bank

Calgary, Alberta, T2A6K1 Canada

Mission Statement

Our Mission The Veterans Association Food Bank is dedicated to supporting and enriching the lives of Veterans and their families. Our Vision As a community of Veterans helping Veterans, we will be the support base where together we create healthy and resilient futures.

About This Cause

The Veterans Association Food Bank was incorporated in September 2018, as a Not for Profit Society. It is designed to relieve poverty by providing food and basic fundamental needs for Veterans and their families. Our goal is to promote a stable environment for Veterans affected by loneliness, isolation, addiction, mental health or other health related issues with peer support programs and social activities. Our Association provides a safe and welcoming environment for all Veterans, building a community of Veterans helping Veterans. Our programs include: - EVAC Assistance (Emergency Veteran Assistance Costs) - Food Hampers - Pet Care Promise - Peer Support - Weekly Dinners & Meetings - Client Support - VAC Claims & Medical Referrals - Disability Tax Forms, CF1 & Military ID Cards - EVAC Assistance (Emergency Veteran Assistance Costs) - Veterans Dinners & Quilt Presentations

Veterans Association Food Bank
#10, 820-28Th Street Ne
Calgary, Alberta T2A6K1
Phone 403 367-8387
Twitter @vafbyyc
Unique Identifier 719859480RR0001