Soong Ching Ling Children's Foundation of Canada

Burnaby, British Columbia, V5H4M2 Canada

Mission Statement

The Soong Ching Ling Children’s Foundation of Canada is dedicated to improving the lives of children in China and Canada. It upholds the spirit of international cooperation, personified by Soong Ching Ling’s life.

About This Cause

Soong Ching Ling, or Mme. Sun Yat-sen (1893-1981) is internationally acclaimed as one of the 20th century's most renowned woman leaders. She was loved and revered for her dedication to the emancipation of the Chinese people from domestic and foreign oppression, and to international peace and good will. One of her greatest concerns was the protection of children, their education and welfare, for which she worked tirelessly all her life. After her death on May 29, 1981, members of her family, friends and admirers in different parts of the world set up independent Soong Ching Ling foundations to honour her memory and carry on her work for the children. There are already such foundations in Beijing, Shanghai, Canada, Japan and Hungary. The Soong Ching Ling Children's Foundation of Canada was founded in l981, a few months after her passing, as a voluntary, non-political, non-profit Foundation. It is devoted to linking the people of Canada and China for the education, health and welfare of children in both countries, in the spirit of international cooperation which Soong Ching Ling's life personified. The Foundation is a registered charitable foundation - our CRA Business Number is #804957090RR0001. The Foundation depends on dedicated, hard-working volunteers to administer the Foundation and to carry out its work. The Foundation is supported by private donations, membership dues, and fundraising events.

Soong Ching Ling Children's Foundation of Canada
Suite 1401 – 4710 Kingsway (Metrotower 1)
Burnaby, British Columbia V5H4M2
Phone 7786888460
Unique Identifier 804957090RR0001