by The Supercomputer for Cancer Research
Donation Goal

Project Details

Mapping Cancer Markers on World Community Grid aims to identify the markers associated with various types of cancer. The project is analyzing millions of data points collected from thousands of healthy and cancerous patient tissue samples. These include tissues with lung, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic and breast cancers. By comparing these different data points, researchers aim to identify patterns of markers for different cancers and correlate them with different outcomes, including responsiveness to various treatment options.

This knowledge can help researchers and physicians to:

Improve and personalize cancer treatment: by making it possible to detect cancer earlier, identify high-risk patients, and to customize treatment based on a patient's personal genetic profile.

Accelerate cancer research and improve the overall process for identifying markers: by refining the process of identifying markers, researchers can determine an individual patient's markers more easily, and future large sets of data can be analyzed more efficiently.

Donation Deadline
Thursday, Dec 31, 2026

Project Website

Project Location
Krembil Institute 60 Leonard Ave,
Ontario M5T 0S8

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This project by
The Supercomputer for Cancer Research