
CALGARY, Alberta, T2T0Y7 Canada

Mission Statement

Clean water, hygiene decent toilets. It sounds normal. And it should be.

About This Cause

We exist because of the sad reality that 25% of the human population does not have access to a toilet. Meaning, woman can’t maintain their dignity, young girls miss out on educational opportunities and millions die from diarrhea because of dirty water. For this reason, we equip and educate community leaders in rural parts of the world with the tools and knowledge to build low-cost sanitation facilities. Through educational initiatives and building eco- toilets, people are able to reduce their open defecation behavior, have access to sanitary toilets, as well as recycled wastes that farmers can use as fertilizer in agriculture, saving money and improving soil fertility. Our goals are ambitious and in full-transparency, WE DO NOT WANT TO EXIST. We work at schools and communities, focused on giving people knowledge, tools and resources on how to build and maintain low cost sanitation. So they can live in a world where having a toilet is not seen as a privilege, because it is in fact a RIGHT.

2327B Osborne Cres Sw
CALGARY, Alberta T2T0Y7
Unique Identifier 829917194RR0001