Food4Kids Hamilton Halton Niagara

Stoney Creek, ON, Ontario, L8E 2K4 Canada

Mission Statement

To provide healthy food for children aged 4-17 years with limited or no access to food weekends or summer months.

About This Cause

Founded in 2012, Food4Kids ensures a healthy weekend food supply for our community’s most impoverished children. Volunteers assemble packages of healthy foods and deliver to schools each Thursday. At the school, the food package is quietly tucked into the child’s own backpack to ensure non stigmatizing distribution. When the child arrives home on any given Friday, they open their backpack filled with healthy food. Food4Kids also provides grocery gift cards (in lieu of food bags) while schools are closed during the summer months. Food4Kids Hamilton provides food for 1,425 children in the Weekends without Hunger program. Simple. Direct. Cost effective. Impactful.

Food4Kids Hamilton Halton Niagara
237 Barton Street Unit 105
Stoney Creek, ON, Ontario L8E 2K4
Phone 905-380-9372
Unique Identifier 833297484RR0001