CALGARY, Alberta, T2E3R6 Canada

Mission Statement

Every woman’s place for support, connections and community.

About This Cause

The Women’s Centre provides a safe and supportive space accessed by thousands of women in Calgary. We offer women opportunities to both receive and provide support, Connect with Others and build community through a variety of programs. While the Women’s Centre is open to all women, 39% of the women who access our services and volunteer their time are living in poverty. In 2023, the Women’s Centre responded to more than 56,686 contacts from women, the majority of whom were from women struggling with poverty-related issues. Our approach starts by recognizing that women are experts in their own lives, and they know best what they need. We have three primary programs, Get Assistance, Connect with Others, and Work for Change. We work to build strong connections between these areas. Get Assistance - The Women’s Centre assists women in meeting their own needs and the needs of their families by providing emergency food, personal care items, referrals for food, clothing and furniture, access to technology, and Legal Advice Clinics. Connect with Others - The Women’s Centre recognizes that social inclusion helps maintain healthy citizens, families and communities in society. The Centre provides space and opportunities (via workshops and gatherings) for women to support each other, connect with other women and develop a sense of belonging and community. Work for Change - The Women’s Centre not only works towards meeting the individual needs of women in Calgary, it also takes proactive steps to ensure women’s voices are present in the dialogue around various social, political and economic issues. We strive to give all women opportunities to get involved in social justice issues and have a voice in public policy. Our trust-based work, supported by more than 560 active volunteers, is centred on a philosophy of women helping women.

39 4 Street Ne
CALGARY, Alberta T2E3R6
Phone 403-264-1155
Unique Identifier 874914955RR0001