Old Five Old Foundation

Taichung, , 40648 Taiwan

Mission Statement

老五老基金會致力於「老」的各項服務,我們相信所有人有機會選擇自己想要的生活。 以「人」為中心的理念,每個人都是社區重要的一份子,一起共做、維持日常生活並且有貢獻。 「老」是每一個人的進行式,陪伴在變老路上的每個人,獲得支持與照顧,能夠選擇喜歡的生活,讓老變得更好! Old Five Old Foundation is dedicated to providing various services for the "elderly." We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to choose the life they want. With a people-centered approach, each individual is an important part of the community, working together to maintain daily life and contribute positively. "Aging" is a continuous process for everyone, and we accompany each person on their journey of aging, providing support and care, enabling them to choose the lifestyle they enjoy. Let's make aging better together!

About This Cause

老五老26周年 秉持初衷、展望未來 回首老五老基金會在1997年草創時期篳路藍縷,只有一、二位工作人員,在台灣尚未開始提供長者照顧年代成立,從社區、獨居長輩開始進行服務。至今在全台服務橫跨7縣市、設立12個服務中心、有超過500位工作夥伴,將初起的辛苦與凝聚力,漸漸轉化成專業性的組織力與結構。 26年來不變的宗旨 越老活越好 透過提供專業服務,及推廣「活躍老化」、「世代共融」與「友善環境」,期待與社會大眾一起共好、共老,也鼓勵各年齡層都該為老年生活及早做好準備。我們著眼於營造互助社區,不僅讓使用老五老服務的長輩都能夠擁有高品質的晚年生活,也串聯起社區資源與關係,建立生活安全網、讓長輩能在地老化。 迎來2025年超高齡社會 老五老期盼未來在三大面向中耕耘: 服務優化及創新研發:在既有長照社福專業服務優化,也發展更多跨領域合作,研發新議題、創新執行發表。 培力與傳播:使伙伴團體具有共利互助觀念,一起發揮影響力,並傳播OLDYES生活理念,改變社會對老的意向。 展望國際:讓台灣老人服務專業力被看見、輸出技術與理念和國際接軌,期許達成「讓所有人越老活越好」的願景。 26TH Old Five Old Foundation Staying true to our original intentions and looking forward to the future. Looking back, Old Five Old Foundation was founded in 1997, it started with humble beginnings with few of staff members, during a time when elder care services had not yet been established in Taiwan, we began services from the grassroots level, starting with the elderly living in communities and those living alone. Today, our services span across 7 counties and cities nationwide, with 12 service centers and over 500 staffs. The initial hardships and solidarity have gradually transformed into professional organizational capabilities and structures. Unchanged mission "Better Living as We Age" Through providing professional services and promoting "active aging," "intergenerational integration," and "age-friendly environments," we aim to get old and better together with society and to encourage all age groups to prepare early for aging. We focus on building supportive communities, not only to ensure that the elderly who use our services can have a high quality of life in their later years twilight years, but also to connect community resources and relationships, establish a safety net for living, and enable the elderly to age in place. Welcoming the Ultra-Aged Society in 2025 Old Five Old Foundation looks forward to cultivating three major aspects in the future: 1. Service Optimization &Innovative Research and Development: We aim to optimize existing long-term care and social welfare professional services while also fostering more interdisciplinary collaborations to explore new issues and implement innovative solutions. 2. Capacity Building and Advocacy: We strive to instill a sense of mutual assistance among partner organizations, collectively exerting influence and propagating the ‘OLDYES’ lifestyle philosophy to change societal perceptions of aging. 3. International Outlook: We seek to showcase the professionalism of elderly services in Taiwan, exporting expertise and ideas to align with international standards, with the vision of making "Better Living as We Age" accessible to everyone.

Old Five Old Foundation
No.79, Songshan St., Beitun District,
Taichung, 40648
Phone 0422463927
Unique Identifier 5869958173667_35f9