CRY- Child Rights and You
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Mission Statement
Taking Responsibility - To enable people to take responsibility for the situation of the deprived Indian child and so motivate them to seek resolution through individual and collective action thereby enabling children to realise their full potential. Mobilizing Potential - To make people discover their potential for action and change. Inspiring Collective Action - To enable peoples' collectives and movements encompassing diverse segments, to pledge their particular strengths, working in partnership to secure, protect and honour the rights of India’s children.
About This Cause
CRY – Child Rights and You is an Indian organisation working to ensure Indian children their Rights to Survival, Protection, Development and Participation, with support from individuals like you and corporate houses around the world. At CRY we believe that Child Rights are indivisible from Human Rights and therefore, in order to make a permanent change in the lives of those millions of disadvantaged Indian children, we address larger issues that affect them-the children, their parents, families, and communities. All CRY projects focus at creating change from the grassroots because there are diverse issues at every stage that threaten Child Rights. Hence, CRY endorses the approach of analyzing and identifying the underlying multiple causes of deprivation and addresses those issues at grassroots, to enable and ensure permanent change. The CRY approach acknowledges the fact that a child’s life and all aspects connected with it, is not looked at in isolation. We believe that each of them is intricately interconnected and therefore we focus on addressing causes that impact Child Rights. This includes: Right to Survival: Right to Life, Identity, nationality, health, nutrition, institutional deliveries, - reducing infant and mother mortality, nutrition in anganwadis (unit where health and early education services are available for children between 0-6 years and new mother) and schools, birth and caste certificates, nutrition and health care. Right to Development: Right to education, care, leisure, recreation, cultural activities, enrolment, retention, - bringing down dropout rates, improving infrastructure in schools, making the school a safe environment. Right to Protection: Right to be protected from exploitation, abuse, neglect, - works against child trafficking, child labour, child marriage, foeticide and infanticide Right to Participation: Right to express, thoughts, ideas, - create spaces for children to learn and express their opinion. The basic profile of our implementing partners is that they work at grassroots with children from the most marginalised sections of society. To enable change for the millions of children living in India today, who have little or no access to food or education and are exploited daily. A rights-based approach ensures that entitlements are available to all children without any discrimination. They are universal and non–negotiable. Along with our partners and your continued support, CRY ensures that the authorities implement their duty by providing the necessary infrastructure and services as per the needs of the people and at the best quality possible. We believe that the best interest of the child needs to be put at the centre of all policy, legislation and practices affecting their lives. Thus, CRY with you on our side, works towards ensuring children live, learn, play, express themselves…bringing about lasting change in their lives.