Cork Penny Dinners

Cork, Cork, CORK T12 PN7X Ireland

Mission Statement

When you donate to Cork Penny Dinners, you can be assured that every cent goes where it is needed - people who avail of our service. Cork Penny Dinners do not receive any grants or Government assistance but with the generosity of the public, Corporate and voluntary donations, it helps support the good work we continue to do. The people we help are in different stages of poverty and this donation will be used to support our services to help them.

About This Cause

Cork Penny Dinners was founded 1888 We are a Registered Charity – CHY 4971. Our income comes from the generosity of individuals, companies in Ireland and worldwide, local organisations. your donations are what enables us to help people at different levels of hardship. Our volunteers come from all walks of life; Grandparents, Families, Doctors, nurses, truck drivers, scientists, general operatives, musicians, Firefighters, Paramedics, Gardai (Police),Prison service, teachers, students, solicitors, unemployed people, retired people, clergy, service users, etc. The volunteers are from many nationalities and have many different religions or none; but what we all have is empathy for our fellow human beings, a willingness to offer a hand in support . we don't Judge. our guests and Volunteers show and mutual respect daily.

Cork Penny Dinners
13 James Street, (New Address) T12 Pn7X Cork
Cork, Cork CORK T12 PN7X
Phone 0872389915
Unique Identifier 4971