Down Syndrome Ireland

Dublin 12, Leinster, 12 Ireland

Mission Statement

Down Syndrome Ireland is dedicated to being the primary source of information and support to people with Down syndrome, their families and the professional community, working towards an improved quality of life for our members along with a respect and acceptance of people with Down syndrome as valued members of Irish society.

About This Cause

Down Syndrome Ireland is dedicated to being the primary source of information and support to people with Down syndrome, their families and the professional community, working towards an improved quality of life for our members along with a respect and acceptance of people with Down syndrome as valued members of Irish society. Down Syndrome Ireland provides a nationally recognised voice for people with Down syndrome and their families. Down Syndrome Ireland provides information and advice, influences policy, raises public awareness and works towards the improvement of education and services for children and adults with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Ireland represents and supports 3,500 members through a national team and twenty-five local branches nationwide. The National Office comprises of a Fundraising Team, a Central Support Team and a National Resource Team. The National Resource Team provides specialist consultancy services around the country in health, education, early development, speech and language therapy, counselling and independence. Down Syndrome Ireland has twenty-five branches nationwide. These branches are run almost exclusively by volunteer parents working in committees and providing their members with a wide range of services and social opportunities. The services and opportunities offered to members vary with each branch, but among them are: • Parent Link (Parent to Parent support) • Early Development Programmes • Mother & Child Groups • Pre-school Home Teaching Service • Speech & Language Therapy • Occupational Therapy • The Latch-On (Adult Literacy)Programme • Employment Opportunities • Arts & Crafts Classes • Speech & Drama Classes • Dance Classes • Social Occasions including: Christmas Parties, Summer Outings, Theatre & Concert visits

Down Syndrome Ireland
Unit 3 Parkway Hse, Western Parkway Bus Pk, Ballymount Drive
Dublin 12, Leinster 12
Phone +353 (0)1 4266500
Unique Identifier 6062