Nippon (Japan) Science Service

Nagoya, Aichi, 460-0003 Japan

Mission Statement

All of us participated and/or are related to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) which is the largest science competition for high school students in the world. Our mission is to promote scientific research competitions for high school students and project-based learning in science education based on our exciting experiences, in order to make a society where talented young scientists and engineers can be active in.

About This Cause

We are: 1) providing presentation training programs for high school students who become the ISEF finalists. 2) introducing the ISEF and other research competitions to students in Japan based on our experience.

Nippon (Japan) Science Service
3-6-17-703, Nishiki, Naka-Ku
Nagoya, Aichi 460-0003
Phone +81.52.961.8015
Twitter @npo_nss
Unique Identifier 2180005006056