Shakai Fukushi Hojin Tsuchibo-kai Pia Miyashiku Dai 1 Kobo

Isumi, Chiba, 299-4504 Japan

Mission Statement

社会福祉法人土穂会が運営する、「みん菜にやさしい畑」は、農地を舞台に、農業×福祉、生きがい、多様な人の活躍の場の提供を通じて、地域課題の解決や、企業と一次産業を繋ぐ企業研修の場をご提供します Shakai Fukushi Hojin Tsuchibo-kai manages farmland known as “Minna Ni Yasashii Hatake” (a farm that is kind to everyone) which, through agriculture & welfare, provides a place for “ikigai” (joy of living) and diverse individuals to flourish. Their mission is to resolve community challenges and enable collaboration between corporations and the Japanese economy’s primary sector (such as agriculture) by providing a place for corporate training on farmland.

About This Cause

※みん菜にやさしい畑では、ノウフク(農業×福祉×地域+地域外交流+次世代育成)に取り組んでおります。(The main mission of “Minna Ni Yasashii Hatake” is “Nofuku” (agriculture & welfare for disabled people & communities, plus external community interaction and growth of the next generation) ◆◆みん菜にやさしい畑 サポーター制度のご案内◆◆ “Minna Ni Yasashii Hatake” supporting plan: A:会費で応援 (Support via annual fee) 年会費5,000円 (個人) Individual annual fee: 5,000 yen 年会費50,000円 (企業) Corporate annual fee: 50,000 yen  *会員特典 菜花直送 (Edible Canola direct delivery – Individual 3,000 yen, corporate 30,000 yen)   (個人会員の方には送料込み3,000円相当:企業の方には30,000円相当分) B:ボランティア農作業応援 (Support via volunteering) 9月~翌年3月 平日 9時~15時の間 (Sep 2020–March 2021, 9–15:00, weekdays) 畑作業を一緒にして下さる方の募集をしております We are looking for volunteers to do farm work with us. 基本平日募集ですが土日等も対応可です Weekdays are strongly preferred, but we may be able to accommodate weekend contributions. 詳しい日時はメールにて決定していきましょう We can schedule dates by email. 〇尚、メール配信等の一部の業務を障がいのある方に担当していただくことで、畑に来ることが難しい人にもお仕事を提供します。 Email correspondence will be partially managed by disabled persons to provide work to those physically unable to come and work in the field.

Shakai Fukushi Hojin Tsuchibo-kai Pia Miyashiku Dai 1 Kobo
Isumi, Chiba 299-4504
Phone 0470875201
Unique Identifier 5662378787936_3c2d