Asociatia The Social Incubator

Bucuresti, București, 020741 Romania

Mission Statement

Identifying and implementing innovative social solutions for vulnerable young people in Romania, through personalized methods and approaches 1-1. Our values are: integrity, professionalism, development, dignity & dedication.

About This Cause

A non-profit organization set up in 2014, by a group of professionals and friends who wished to create a platform for initiatives with a significant social impact in the lives of vulnerable individuals. We support the social and professional integration of vulnerable youths by developing and implementing a range of personalized services and innovative entrepreneurial solutions. Until present we managed to help over 8000 vulnerable young people all over Romania. What we do: 1. Vocational & psychological counselling: personality evaluation for professional orientation; counselling on how to write a CV and live up to an interview; personalized coaching sessions 2. Formal and non-formal education: vocational profiling workshops; workshops for developing social and interpersonal abilities; one to one tutoring / mentoring. 3. Seeking employment : exploratory visits; internship facilitation; labor market opportunities with partner organisations.

Asociatia The Social Incubator
Str. Suvenir Nr 9
Bucuresti, București 020741
Phone +40740406031
Unique Identifier 5829434749745_100d