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Mission Statement
Our Mission is to transform the lives of young people aged 16-25 who are vulnerable to homelessness, through the provision of user-led services, so that they can achieve their own unique potential
About This Cause
DHYP has been operational since 1993 and covers the whole Doncaster borough. We support young people aged 16-25 years old who are at risk of homelessness or vulnerably housed, so that they can overcome disadvantage and fulfill their potential. We run a range of user-led projects, all of which are concerned with homelessness prevention, including tenancy support, supported accommodation and an outreach project. In addition to these we run a Drop-in, a Well-being service and Employment Skills Programme which help young people build their confidence and self-esteem, develop new skills and be in a better position to sustain a home and employment. For further information, please see our website.