Gathimba Edwards Foundation
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Mission Statement
Our Vision is to build a brighter future and improve the quality of life for children and their families in Kenya and north-east Scotland. Our mission in Kenya: EDUCATION - To provide children with an education by supporting primary, secondary and tertiary fees. In addition, we supply uniforms, books, shoes, stationery, access to school meals, menstrual care products for girls and accommodation costs for college and university students. SHELTER - To give children and their families a safe place of shelter by building new homes or improving existing ones. WELLBEING - To support the wellbeing of children and their families through counselling, seminars, farming, and food programs. Our mission in north-east Scotland: EDUCATION - To enhance access to education and learning materials for children with disabilities by providing specialised equipment, communication devices, and developmentally supportive toys. SHELTER - To increase comfort, accessibility and enjoyment for disabled children through specialist home adaptations, modifications and equipment. WELLBEING - To support the unique needs of disabled children and their families, ease symptoms, and enable them to enjoy the outdoors by funding specialist therapies and equipment, whilst also connecting them to other relevant services. Our Values: Compassion, positivity, trustworthiness, impact, respect.
About This Cause
Gathimba Edwards Foundation (GEF) is a Scottish and Kenyan charity which aims to build a brighter future and improve the quality of life for children and their families in Kenya and north-east Scotland. GEF's approach to tackling the challenges which hold back the communities we serve is centred around the 3 pillars of Education, Shelter and Wellbeing. GEF is a charity registered in Scotland. Charity No SC044869.