Gathimba Edwards Foundation

Aberdeen, Scotland, AB25 1XT United Kingdom

Mission Statement

Our vision is to build a brighter future and improve the quality of life for children and their families in Kenya and north-east Scotland. Our Objectives: Bring hope to children of all ages through enabling them access to a place of education Help the most disadvantaged children and families elevate themselves out of poverty Create bright futures and potential leaders in a variety of fields Build homes for those in desperate need Encourage education, positive thinking and entrepreneurship Make life easier for children with disabilities and their families through provision of specialist equipment Our Values: Can-do attitude, compassion, empathy, empowerment, enthusiasm, going the extra mile, good citizenship, inspiration, involvement, respect, sustainability, transparency.

About This Cause

Gathimba Edwards Foundation is a Scottish charity which aims to build a brighter future and improve the quality of life for children and their families in Kenya and north-east Scotland. We do this through: • Supporting school, college & university fees • Supplying school uniforms, books, shoes & access to school meals • Providing counselling and hosting educational seminars • Building houses or improving existing homes • Supporting families to reach self-sustainability by growing their own food • Providing access to psychosocial support • Grant funding to support children with disabilities in north east Scotland via the Neil Jaffrey Initiative. GEF is a charity registered in Scotland. Charity No SC044869.

Gathimba Edwards Foundation
43 Albert Street
Aberdeen, Scotland AB25 1XT
United Kingdom
Phone +44 1224 531084
Unique Identifier SC044869