Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation

Reston, Virginia, 20191 United States

Mission Statement

Sjogren's is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects the entire body. Along with symptoms of extensive dryness, other serious complications include profound fatigue, chronic pain, major organ involvement, neuropathies and lymphomas. The Foundation's vision is: "To create a community where patients, healthcare professionals and researchers come together to conquer the complexities of Sjögren's." The Foundation's mission is to: * Support Sjogren’s patients and their loved ones through education, resources, and services * Provide credible resources and education for healthcare professionals * Serve as the voice for all Sjogren’s patients through advocacy and awareness initiatives * Lead, encourage, and fund innovative research projects to better understand, diagnose and treat Sjogren’s

About This Cause

The Sjogren's Foundation is proud to be the only national non-profit organization focused on increasing research, education and awareness for Sjogren's. When we were founded in 1983 the mission was simple: help patients cope with their Sjogren's, increase awareness, and support Sjogren's research efforts. Today, our mission has remained the same while we have grown into a multi-faceted organization that has expanded its outreach, increased its funding for research and education, and continued to raise awareness for this common, yet little known disease. Today, the Foundation: -spends over $400,000 annually for research initiatives. -oversees 65+ support groups throughout the United States and Canada. -conducts professional awareness initiatives and conferences to increase physicians, nurses and other healthcare professional’s knowledge of Sjogren's. -expands general awareness of Sjogren's by partnering with national and local media outlets. -manages our annual patient seminar for patients and their families -serves as the lead organization for all other Sjogren's groups, worldwide. Since 2005, the Foundation has been recognized annually by the National Health Council (NHC) for meeting their Standards of Excellence. These standards were developed by the NHC to ensure that voluntary health agencies were maintaining the highest standards of organizational effectiveness and public stewardship. The Foundation has also received the Independent Charities of America Seal of Excellence. This is awarded to the members of Independent Charities of America that have, upon rigorous independent review, been able to certify, document, and demonstrate on an annual basis that they meet the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness, and cost effectiveness. We are proud of all that we have accomplished, and the tremendous strides we have made in recent years. The Foundation’s commitment to patients will never change; they are the reason we were founded and the reason we continue to operate today. I hope you will take time to visit our various pages about what the Foundation does throughout the United States. Thanks to a small staff and a hundreds of volunteers nationwide, the Foundation is truly on pace for great discoveries over the next few years. Please join our journey by supporting the Foundation or by becoming a member of the Foundation so as to receive regular communication about our activities.

Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
10701 Parkridge Blvd Suite 170
Reston, Virginia 20191
United States
Phone 3015304420
Unique Identifier 112779073