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Mission Statement
The United Way of Westchester and Putnam is dedicated to improving the lives of 40% of our neighbors who live in poverty or paycheck to paycheck. These are often hardworking families struggling to make ends meet and provide a better life for their children.
About This Cause
United Way of Westchester and Putnam is an anti-poverty organization that supports education, income, and health initiatives to help residents become self-sufficient. Every day, people in our community struggle to provide sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families. 40% of area households live paycheck to paycheck or are in poverty, what we call ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). We achieve results by investing dollars or essential goods in programs with proven results. United Way supports over 358 community partners, nonprofit organizations, schools, and government agencies annually by providing a wide variety of resources for initiatives and programs that impact over 719,000 individuals and families in need. Resources available include 211 Helpline, Ride United Food Distribution, early literacy programming for preschoolers in underserved communities, job skills training and financial empowerment for financially struggling adults and families, health services, and so much more. Together We Can WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER and it is only by being UNITED that we can change the world for the better. ----- Our “United in Partnership” packet linked below offers an insightful overview of the critical work accomplished by United Way in our two-county community. It includes impact statistics from the past year, heartfelt testimonials from residents we've assisted, a comprehensive list of our community partners, and more. United Way's "United in Partnership" packet, available in both English https://indd.adobe.com/view/c5a8b256-715a-4150-bfae-f4c2162fb414 and Spanish https://indd.adobe.com/view/fba0b203-52d3-443d-9c6f-4bccd527b95a.