Boston, Massachusetts, 02241-1531 United States

Mission Statement

At Accion, our vision is to build a financially inclusive world – one in which every individual has access to high-quality, affordable financial services. Whether you’re interested in a particular aspect of microfinance, impact investing or financial literacy, we invite you to explore the different areas of our work and join our efforts to build a world with access to economic opportunity for all.

About This Cause

Accion is a global nonprofit dedicated to building a financially inclusive world. We work to create economic opportunity by connecting people to the financial tools they need to improve their lives. Begun as a grassroots community-development initiative in 22 shantytowns in Venezuela, today we are one of the premier microfinance organizations in the world, with a network of lending partners that spans Latin America, Africa, India, China, and the United States. We work in communities where even the smallest dollar amount has a deep and lasting impact. Through our network of partners, we help serve millions of enterprising clients in nearly two dozen countries. By building strong microfinance institutions, pushing the frontier of financial services through innovation and investment, and developing high industry standards that center on the needs of clients, we’re striving to reach the 2.5 billion people worldwide who still need these crucial financial services. Though our approach has changed over the years, the driving force behind our mission remains the same: serving hardworking men and women left behind by the world’s economic systems Visit: for more info

P.o. Box 411531
Boston, Massachusetts 02241-1531
United States
Phone (202) 393-5113
Unique Identifier 132535763