NEW YORK, New York, 10017-2416 United States

Mission Statement

When New Yorkers need help, they call on the New York City Police Department; when the NYPD needs help, it relies on the New York City Police Foundation--an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources for the NYPD to innovate the quality of its services; build bridges with the community; and make New York City a safer place to live, work, and visit.

About This Cause

The New York City Police Foundation is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides resources for the NYPD to innovate and improve the quality of its services; build bridges with the community; and make New York City a safer place to live, work, and visit. The Police Foundation provides resources for four core areas of support which: Advance programs to prevent violent crime, thwart terrorism, and safeguard the people of our city; Strengthen communities by building relationships and trust between the NYPD and community members, including youth across the five boroughs; Enhance leadership, wellness and training within the NYPD; and Innovate technology and police services to protect the public and the police. Note: The Police Foundation does not purchase weapons (military or other) or ammunition of any kind for the police department. The following are examples of our work: 1. Prevent Violent Crime, Thwart Terrorism: Crime Stoppers is an impactful program that offers anonymous rewards of up to $3,500 for anonymous tips to the (800) 577-TIPS hotline that leads to the arrest and indictment of a violent felon. Over $3.2 million rewards have been approved since the program’s inception in 1983, which translates into thousands of violent crimes cleared including nearly 1,500 murders and attempted murders. More than half of the homicides in New York City involved illegal handguns. The Police Foundation gives rewards of $1,500 for anonymous tips to 1-866-GUN-STOP or 311. The Gun Stop Program has led to over 7,800 arrests and the removal of over 5,000 illegal weapons since the program’s inception in 2001. Over $3.2 million in rewards have been approved to date. The NYPD has the most comprehensive counterterrorism program in the world. Through the International/Domestic Liaison Program, the Foundation makes it possible for the NYPD to be positioned all around to help NYC react in real time to potential terror threats--for over 20 years now. The overseas Intelligence Officers partner with local law enforcement to collect and disseminate terrorism-related information needed to safeguard our city. In the event of a terrorist attack overseas, these Officers can be at the scene to provide timely information to the NYPD. 2. Strengthen Communities: The Foundation has a long history of bringing the police and communities together. Through increased dialogue and positive interactions, it helps lay the groundwork to reduce crime, resolve neighborhood concerns, and enhance safety for all. The public’s partnership with the NYPD is the only way to have real security in our city. Supporting the NYPD’s engagement with youth is a transformative piece of our strategy to build bridges between the police and communities by building trust. The OPTIONS Program assists young people in learning decision-making skills, giving them a voice in their community, and providing career development opportunities through their work with the Police Department and various corporate and community organizations. The curriculum uses virtual reality training-based scenarios to promote discussion on emotional intelligence and wellness, decision-making, financial literacy, and healthy communities. Young people are learning valuable personal, social, civic and leadership skills through after-school workshops at community centers and in community building and special projects. 3. Enhance Leadership, Wellness and Training: The Foundation sponsors a variety of professional development, wellness initiatives and training opportunities for members of service of the NYPD. For example, members of the NYPD must navigate a wide range of stressors in a constantly changing, fast-paced environment with evolving external influences, that further compound these stressors. To address these issues, the Department is providing prevention and response-based resiliency services that support the mental, emotional, and physical health of its workforce, along with reviewing, maintaining, and enhancing facilities and asset management across the Department. Through its Precinct Enhancement Fund, the Police Foundation partners with the NYPD Facilities Management Division to address the needs of the Department as it improves its facilities throughout the city. 4. Innovate technology and police services: Throughout its history, the Police Foundation has invested in training programs, crime fighting tools, and public safety programs – prioritizing officer health and wellness and working with the public to keep neighborhoods safe. From providing the first bullet resistant vests for members of the Department and ensuring the survival of the NYPD Mounted Unit in the 70s, to piloting new light weight ballistic vests and securing PPE in the 2020s, the support of the Police Foundation has proved vital to the members of the NYPD. These efforts made a significant impact here on the streets of New York City, changing the way the Department fights crime. Public safety is a shared responsibility requiring both the NYPD and the public to work together on key issues for policing in order to make every neighborhood in the city safe for all. The Police Foundation strives to help the Department build on its record of success to continue to innovate in order to best respond to today’s challenges. *Contributions to the New York City Police Foundation support public safety programs and help to make New York City safer and better.

555 5Th Ave 15Th Flr
NEW YORK, New York 10017-2416
United States
Phone (212) 751-8170
Unique Identifier 132711338