NEW YORK, New York, 10021-3865 United States

Mission Statement

Ronald McDonald House New York provides a temporary “home-away-from-home” for pediatric cancer patients and their families. The House is a supportive and caring environment which encourages and nurtures the development of child-to-child and parent-to-parent support systems. Ronald McDonald House New York is the largest facility of its type in the world.

About This Cause

2013 marked the 35th year of our support for over 30,000 who, to date, have walked through our House’s front door in emotional and medical confusion. They have found here a “home-away-from-home” that provides much more than just a temporary dwelling. With each family that arrives, there is a uniting Hope and a common search for health and healing. At Ronald McDonald House of New York, we support each family and coordinate emotional and physical services, psychological care, ministry support, wellness programs, tutors, music, art, transportation, activities for siblings, holiday and birthday parties and camaraderie for parents struggling with their child’s cancer diagnosis. These services are a part of the fabric of Ronald McDonald House of New York and are provided to families at a nominal fee that is no more than $35.00 per night The House is located on East 73rd Street between First and York Avenues and offers thousands of children and their families these extraordinary services. The House is supported by individuals, foundations and corporations, all of whom share a primary concern for our brave young children and their families who are desperate to find a place where Hope has a Home.

405 E 73Rd St
NEW YORK, New York 10021-3865
United States
Phone 212-639-0100
Twitter @rmhnewyork
Unique Identifier 132933654