New Visions for Public Schools Inc.
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Mission Statement
New Visions for Public Schools designs, creates and sustains great schools for New York City's highest-need students.
About This Cause
For over three decades, New Visions for Public Schools has played a central role in improving the quality of New York City public schools and removing barriers to the success of low-income students and students of color. New Visions focuses on providing educators with the tools, resources, and support to build and continuously improve strong and responsive systems. These include major investments in student planning tools, free and high-quality curriculum, and innovative career & college preparatory programs. We have a proven track record of fostering sustainable improvement in student outcomes. When New Visions was founded, the high school graduation rate was less than 50 percent citywide. In 2023, the average graduation rate in our core network of 71 district high schools was 92%, outpacing citywide gains. Our major programs include: Portal: The Portal by New Visions is a student planning and school improvement tool that aligns robust data and actionable progress monitoring to strengthen school processes. The Portal is available to 1,610 K-12 public schools in New York City, representing approximately 850,000 students. It also facilitates interagency collaboration in NYC across the City University of New York, the Department of Homeless Services, and a range of other social service agencies and providers to build integrated support systems to respond to student and family needs. Affinity School Support Model: In a unique partnership with the New York City Public Schools, New Visions serves as a lead partner to 71 schools, providing comprehensive professional development for educators, curriculum, program design support, and school leadership coaching. Our Affinity network has experienced year-over-year improvements in key metrics such as graduation rates (for SY22-23, 91.7%) and college enrollment (for SY22-23, 74%). Our student demographics represent those in NYC Public Schools overall, with 98% of our network schools eligible for Title I funding. Curriculum & Instruction: Our Curriculum & Instruction department is dedicated to achieving exceptional instruction in every classroom through the adoption and effective use of high-quality instructional materials and authentic and relevant professional learning opportunities. We provide instructional coaching and leadership support to 60 schools across NYC as part of the citywide rollout of the Illustrative Math curriculum, and work in 16 NYC districts on full-course adoption of our Biology and Earth & Science curricula. During SY22-23, we had 2.5 million unique pageviews of our free, open-source curricular materials and engaged more than 1,744 staff in professional development. Community Engagement & Postsecondary Pathways: New Visions works to ensure that students receive high-quality support in pursuing postsecondary opportunities and have access to effective career-connected learning. In summer 2023, 645 students across 43 schools participated in our Career Academies programs, with 100% of students reporting growth in key career readiness skills. Our Postsecondary Advising Model (PAM), Purpose-First Postsecondary Curriculum, and Career Resources Directory support schools in embedding postsecondary readiness into their core processes and improving outcomes for our network, such as our SY22-23 66% FAFSA completion rate, 85% postsecondary commitment rate, and 67.9% seamless college enrollment rate.