NEW YORK, New York, 10014-4917 United States

Mission Statement

Alliance of Ethics & Art 501(c)(3) has a mission to educate the public about the cause and answer to racism, and to encourage people of all races and backgrounds to explore solutions together, based on principles of Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded by the great educator and critic Eli Siegel. Our name derives from his statement that "Ethics is the art of enjoying justice."

About This Cause

The Alliance of Ethics & Art is grateful to join with others in the fight against racism, and to seek solutions based on these principles of Aesthetic Realism, stated by its founder Eli Siegel: (1) Every person's deepest desire is to like the world on an honest or accurate basis. This desire is the source of education and all the arts and sciences. (2) The greatest danger of people is to have contempt--"the addition to self through the lessening of something else." All human injustice arises from contempt--from a child's sarcastic "put down," to lying, bullying, economic exploitation, voter suppression, war. When studied, these principles make it possible for racism to end. Projects include the educational performance event: "The People of Clarendon County"--A Play by Ossie Davis, & the Answer to Racism, presented free to the public nationwide in universities, museums, libraries, schools, and community organizations. This event took place in the Congressional Auditorium in Washington, DC with featured guests, Congressman James Clyburn (SC), Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (MD), and Congressman Jose Serrano (NY) in 2009. "The Force of Ethics in Civil Rights"--our oral history project of interviews with unsung pioneers of all races from around the country, men and women whose work in behalf of justice deserves our nation's gratitude and acknowledgment. Oral history project includes over 400 videos & scores of audios, preserving history in the words and voices of men and women who made that history. We are honored that the Library of Congress calls our work "significant in preserving the American memory," and includes us in its online database of Civil Rights Oral History Projects:

2 Charlton St, Suite 6K
NEW YORK, New York 10014-4917
United States
Phone 917-214-6794
Unique Identifier 204942839