BROOKLYN PARK, Minnesota, 55443-2530 United States

Mission Statement

Midwest Animal Rescue & Services (MARS) is committed to serving both pet and parent, finding homes for animals that were once lost, left behind and forgotten, while bringing harmony and enhancing education in our community.

About This Cause

- We believe in Supporting Both Pets and People. - We believe in Doing Better. - We believe in Thinking Differently. - We believe in Problem Solving. Midwest Animal Rescue & Services™ (MARS) is a dedicated and passionate group who rescues dogs and cats that are at risk and homeless through no fault of their own. Once in our care, these companion animals are vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed or neutered. Special attention is provided for those animals that need additional time and medical care before going to a new home. MARS is committed to helping pets in need whenever possible, including all breeds and ages. MARS does not have a shelter facility for boarding. We are a foster-based rescue group that runs on the support and aid of dedicated volunteers and supporters. Our fostered pets live in homes, as family members, receiving all of the love and care they would in an adoptive home, until they are adopted. The adopters gain greater insight into the pets’ behavior and personality versus interacting with an animal who has been living in a kennel and the pet is more prepared for a loving home life. This helps produce the best match possible for the new families, resulting in a 98% success rate! Looking for a furry friend? Let us help you find the perfect match!

4112 83Rd Ave N
BROOKLYN PARK, Minnesota 55443-2530
United States
Phone 763-503-4990
Unique Identifier 208496665