St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104 United States

Mission Statement

To ensure college and career success for high-potential students from low-income backgrounds, and through our efforts help build diverse, equitable and vibrant communities. We do this through a comprehensive model of financial aid and holistic support, and collaboration with our business, education, community, and philanthropic partners.

About This Cause

Win Wallin spent 39 years as an executive at Pillsbury and ten years as CEO of Medtronic. In 1992, Win and his wife Maxine Wallin created a scholarship to assist promising students for whom cost was a barrier to college success. Since then, Wallin Education Partners (Wallin) has grown from a four-year college scholarship program into a nationally recognized college and career program. Today, we serve over 1,600 young adults from historically underrepresented communities, of whom 89% are people of color, 79% are first-generation college students, and 100% come from low-income households. Wallin responds to the demonstrated needs of those we serve. A key innovation in our early years was the addition of comprehensive wraparound services to our program model. We pair each scholar with a Wallin-employed advisor who helps them succeed in college and prepare to launch their career. The value of this support is evident in our outcomes—our baccalaureate scholars graduate at an average rate of 84%, which compares favorably with the national average of 37% among students from low-income backgrounds (Pell, 2024). To build on that success, in 2019 we introduced a program to serve underrepresented students attending community colleges. As we refine that program to serve this distinct population, we are seeing above-average persistence and graduation rates among those participants, as well. In 2022, using input from current students and alumni, we updated Wallin’s mission to include career success and began building a formal Career Program on the foundation of our longstanding efforts to help college students develop career-related skills and establish connections with employers. We added key components in 2023 by introducing career-specific pathways for students pursuing careers in healthcare and construction, and acquiring another nonprofit, UpTurnships, to connect students with and prepare them to successfully complete paid projects and internships with our corporate partners. We continue to develop our Career Program, building out five sequential domains that will prepare students to secure family-sustaining work in their field of study following graduation.

451 Lexington Parkway N., Suite 100 451 Lexington Parkway N., Suite 100
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
United States
Phone 952.345.1928
Unique Identifier 208505156