
Oakland, California, 94612 United States

Mission Statement

GiveWell is a nonprofit dedicated to finding the global health and well-being programs that save or improve lives the most per dollar. We devote tens of thousands of hours each year to researching the most cost-effective giving opportunities and publish the full details of our analysis to help donors decide where to give.

About This Cause

Unlike charity evaluators that focus solely on assessing the administrative or fundraising costs of nonprofits carrying out programs, we conduct in-depth research to determine how much good a program accomplishes per dollar spent. Rather than try to rate as many nonprofits as possible, we focus on the few that stand out most according to our criteria. Please select the appropriate project in the Benevity causes portal to support our Maximum Impact Fund, which we allocate regularly among our top programs according to the greatest need at the time; the All Grants Fund, which supports the full breadth of our grantmaking; an individual GiveWell top charity; or our unrestricted fund. 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit you select, unless you specifically choose to support our unrestricted fund. We will consider donations without a designation to be unrestricted, and they will likely go toward GiveWell's operating expenses.

1714 Franklin Street, #100335
Oakland, California 94612
United States
Phone 415-689-5803
Twitter @givewell
Unique Identifier 208625442