CONCORD, New Hampshire, 03301 United States

Mission Statement

NAMI NH is a grassroots organization of and for people of all ages, their families and friends who are affected by mental illness.

About This Cause

NAMI New Hampshire – Mission Statement The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI NH), a grassroots organization of families, consumers and other volunteers, is dedicated to improving the quality of life of persons of all ages affected by mental illness and/or serious emotional disorders through education, support and advocacy. NAMI New Hampshire – Vision Statement People of all ages with mental illness and/or serious emotional (MI/SED) disorders and their families will have access to comprehensive, integrated health care and community-based supports without discrimination or stigma. This means:  The general public will have an accurate understanding of mental illness and serious emotional disorders and what is helpful and hurtful to those affected by it;  Mental illness and serious emotional disorders will have parity with other medical conditions in the access to and quality of treatment, support services, and financing available to promote recovery and build resilience;  People with mental illness and/or serious emotional disorders will be treated with dignity and respect and have the opportunity to build resiliency, recover, achieve their aspirations, and live, learn, work, and play in supportive communities without discrimination or stigma  Individuals and families affected by mental illness and/or serious emotional disorders will have the education, information, and support needed to make decisions about their health.

85 North State Street
CONCORD, New Hampshire 03301
United States
Phone 603-225-5359
Unique Identifier 222760743