PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, 19178-1352 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation is to build the philanthropic support for The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia by establishing and nurturing long-standing donor relationships and thereby ensuring the Hospital’s financial security and supporting its growth.

About This Cause

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the oldest hospital in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to pediatrics, strives to be a world leader in the advancement of healthcare for children by integrating excellent patient care, innovative research, and quality professional education into all of its programs. Directly or in partnership with others, the Hospital seeks to provide accessible, fiscally responsible, comprehensive, innovative, high-quality medical and surgical care to children from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and other states and countries. The Hospital focuses its educational mission on physicians and allied health professionals at all levels, with an emphasis on training future leaders who are devoted to the care of children. As a means of achieving its mission, the Hospital forges relationships with other institutions that include education and research among their goals.

P.o. Box 781352
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania 19178-1352
United States
Phone (267) 426-6500
Unique Identifier 231352166