OAKLAND, California, 94621-2234 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC) develops the social and leadership capacities of youth and young adults (ages 6 – 24) so that they are prepared for employment, higher education, and leadership opportunities.

About This Cause

Founded in 1973, the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC) is a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency dedicated to developing our children and youth into healthy, self-supporting and aware citizens and adults. Since 1978 the Center's free comprehensive programs have been coordinated to meet our clients' emotional, physical, intellectual, and economic needs. The Center is open Monday through Friday and is located in the Elmhurst District of East Oakland. While our primary focus is the residents of the East Oakland community, all youth and their families are welcome to participate in the services offered at the EOYDC. The EOYDC upholds the following principles regarding our youth, and service delivery. Engaging Youth » Develop youth, whether “informed” or “hard to serve” individuals, into strong pillars who show positive change in his or her own communities. » Accept that participants are our #1 goal, and recognize and address their needs. » Make it our priority to know and understand the needs of individual participants. Delivering Services + Programming » Work with community partners to provide resources and guidance to address issues that are outside of our scope of service. » Instill educational and spiritual experiences in the lives of youth and young adults.

8200 International Blvd.
OAKLAND, California 94621-2234
United States
Phone 5105698088
Twitter @eoydc
Unique Identifier 237334590