JERSEY CITY, New Jersey, 07302-4402 United States

Mission Statement

“The Concerned Parents Association of PS16”, also known as the “CPA of PS16” was created to promote the common good of the students of Jersey City Public School 16 (Cornelia F. Bradford School). Our purpose is to: 1. Promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school and community 2. Increase parental involvement 3. Support the education of our children at Cornelia F. Bradford (P.S.#16) school by fostering relationships among the school, parents and teachers 4. Ensure that students are educated in a safe, healthy and happy environment, enabling them to uncover their full potential and to become better students, citizens, daughters and sons

About This Cause

In everything we do as Parent Council of P.S.16 we try to honor Cornelia Bradford’s legacy, as we work to provide the best possible learning environment for all our students, and supply them with the resources that will help them discover and unlock their full potential. Students at P.S.16 come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and we believe that it is our duty to provide every one of them with the best opportunity for future success. Just as Ms. Bradford believed that “we are all our brothers’ keepers”, we work with others and build bridges throughout the school district district, whether it is partnering with a neighboring school’s PTA on innovative projects or promote other public schools in our city via the Middle School Connection. The CPA Team is elected by the parents of P.S.#16 in an election held during the June CPA Meeting. The Executive Board is made up of (but is not limited to) President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and Recording Secretary, as well as appointed Committee Directors. We hold regular team meetings as a CPA board, discussing plans for the year/month and vote on budget decisions. Financial decisions (expenditures) that require a larger parent vote are brought before a parent audience at a monthly CPA Meeting. The President and Vice President(s) work directly with the school Principal throughout the year, planning and deciding CPA’s participation and support in key school events and joint projects, as well as communication with the Jersey City School District executives. The roles of the team are defined in the CPA Charter and Bylaws, however our functions can vary, based on necessity and availability of individuals. We prefer to be referred to as “Team”, rather than “Board of Executives”, because we operate as one volunteer family in which every individual is equally valued and respected. CPA of PS16 is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRS) Section 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to CPA of PS16 under IRS Section 170. All funds raised by the CPA are used to serve the students, support the school, and build bridges with the community to broaden our children’s horizons and opportunities.

96 Sussex St
JERSEY CITY, New Jersey 07302-4402
United States
Phone CPA of PS 16
Unique Identifier 272530572