Astoria, New York, 11105 United States

Mission Statement

Veterans Rebuilding Life is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on assisting victims of war, and humanitarian crises. Our approach is distinct; instead of duplicating existing services, we target underserved needs and provide evidence-based solutions that have a proven record of success. All contributions directly support the humanitarian mission. No profit is made by our volunteer staff, and all donations are tax deductible.

About This Cause

100% of all donations directly support the humanitarian mission. No profit is made, and all donations are tax exempt under Title 26 of the United States Code, (USC). – VRL operates with no support or sponsorship from any special-interest groups. By refusing to allow external funding influence the mission, VRL can operate in an ethical manner that's beneficial to the those we serve, without compromise. To learn more visit: VRLNYC.ORG

38–01 23Rd Ave. 414 Box B12
Astoria, New York 11105
United States
Phone (718) 255-1630
Unique Identifier 273586224